27.09.2024 21:30
Flight Departure
United States, San Jose, 95127
11.09.2024 05:30
Export Customs Declaration Completed
Hangzhou city international company direct report headquarters operational department, Hangzhou city
25.08.2024 13:29
The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
08.08.2024 21:28
Destination Scan
Brooklyn Park
23.07.2024 05:28
Arrived at [Fuzhou International Mail Processing Center] (transit)
Feucht, Germany
06.07.2024 13:27
Origin Scan
Moskva 395
19.06.2024 21:26
Departed from Facility
Los Angeles USA
03.06.2024 05:26
Arrival at Delivery Office
China Southern Airlines
17.05.2024 13:25
Departed Facility In processing center
SANGER, TX, 76266
30.04.2024 21:24
Arrived at destination
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, Beijing city
14.04.2024 05:24
Arrived at UNITED STATES Los Angeles USA Los Angeles USA
Charles-de-Gaulle Apt/Paris
28.03.2024 13:23
Departed from export office
Pine Bluff, AR, United States
11.03.2024 21:22
Item delivered in mailbox
24.02.2024 05:22
Shipment tendered to UPS Mail Innovations
Delhi AP TMO
07.02.2024 13:21
Your parcel had been recovery from Airline and is being sent to the surveillance warehouse
United States, HAGERSTOWN, 21740
Tracking numbers examples: